Water monitoring strategies and priorities
By Susanne Dresmark
NAWQA information on the occurrence of more than 80 pesticides and degradation products and more than 60 VOCs in source water is used to set priorities for monitoring and managing contaminants in drinking water supplies.
Information on the occurrence of more than 80 pesticides and degradation products and more than 50 HDV in source water is used to set priorities for monitoring and managing contaminants in drinking water supplies.
Greenhouse gas emission tends and projections in Europe
By Jens Marklund
This report is an indicator-based assessment of European Community and acceding and candidate countries greenhouse gas emission trends, emission projections and existing and proposed policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2010.
A more sustainable EU
By Carl Darlström
EU environmental policy has led to economic investments that have clearly benefited the health of people and ecosystems, but there are still important unresolved environmental issues in Europe, in particular climate change, loss of biodiversity, and air pollution in urban areas.
Todays programme
Environment Profile - Kjell Down
By Anna Colton
"If you focused on one single issue that would be important for the future, it would of course be to get away from the environmentally unsound subsidies and to replace them with environmentally sound incentives," Kjell Down said.
Real Enthusiast - Kim Frazer
Kim Frazer is our real enthusist and she is the founder of ENVIRO (Independent Environment Journalist Channel ). Enviro has become the largest channel in genre and is the most populare webbsite about environmental questions.